Advisory Board

Prof. Peer is Vice President for Research and Development at Tel Aviv University.
Prof. Peer is a full Professor and the Director of the Laboratory of Precision Nanomedicine at Tel Aviv University (TAU). He is the founder and Managing Director of the Center for Translational Medicine and the SPARK TLV program at TAU.
Prof. Peer’s work was among the first to demonstrate systemic delivery of RNA molecules using targeted nanocarriers to the immune system and he pioneered the use of RNA interference (RNAi) for in vivo validation of new drug targets within the immune system that has enormous implications in Cancer and inflammation. In addition, his lab was the first to show systemic, cell specific delivery of mRNA molecules.
Prof. Dan Peer
Scientific Advisor and Board Member

Dr. Skaliter is the CEO of Cell Cure Neurosciences;
He worked for 22 years as the COO of Quark Pharmaceuticals, a late-stage pharmaceutical company developing siRNA-based therapeutics.
Dr. Skaliter completed a post-doctoral fellowship at Stanford University and a Ph.D. at the Weizmann Institute of science.
Dr. Rami Skaliter
Chief Scientific Advisor

Dr. Dor serves as the head of Multi-disciplinary clinic in Hadassah providing consultation for all DMD patients, at all stages of the disease. The clinic provides a comprehensive response to young patients from diagnosis stage to the age of 16. The clinic includes a team of physicians and therapists in various disciplinary fields; neurology, lung, cardiology, orthopedics and physiotherapy. This kind of cooperation improves the existing medical treatment and provides an additional and vital way to expand the clinic’s activity and to offering new treatments in the context of compassionate or clinical trials.
Dr. Dor has been PI on Pfizer’s Duchenne clinical trial.
Dr. Talia Dor
Clinical Advisor and Board Member

Amir Dori, MD, PhD, is a lecturer of neurology at Tel-Aviv University, Tel Aviv, Israel, and director of the neuromuscle service at the Sheba Medical Center, Tel-Hashomer, Israel. His clinical practice and expertise include peripheral nerve and muscle disorders, electrodiagnostics and ultrasonography imaging, and neuropathology of muscle, nerve and skin tissue. He is the head of the neuromuscle research laboratory, and maintains clinical-oriented neuropathy and muscle disease research programs. Particularly his group studies the role of coagulation factors in inflammatory, traumatic and diabetic neuropathy.
Dr. Amir Dori
Clinical Advisor